Sunday, November 22, 2009

SIX: Porsche 917/20 "Pink Pig" Le Mans 1971 (1/43, HighSpeed/Schuco Jr.)

This race car's paint job is very unique. It has been said that the "Pink Pig" came about as a sort of joke. The 917/20 was a wide bodied, short-nosed version of the venerable and highly successful Porsche 917 family of cars. During practice sessions (car was unpainted and white), some comments were made that the car was fat, like a pig. The racing team played along, and for the race, they painted the car pink like a pig. The markings on the livery show butcher's cuts. I wanted the Minichamps version of this model, but it is very rare, and when found on eBay sell for $100USD, which to me is too high for a 1/43 scale. Instead I bought this much cheaper HighSpeed diecast, and have to say its not bad. Its a decent diecast, with accurate shape and details. Problems with this diecast; the windscreen wiper is not a separate piece, but is molded into the windscreen, the windows are made from thick plastic, the wheels are not as scale as Minichamps', and the casting is not the best (but not bad at all). What I think is great about this model is that the markings are mostly tampo prints, rather than decals, and they are applied nicely. A great addition to my 1/43 scale collection, and my collection of 917 series cars.

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